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Essential Oils and my road to wellness

Use this not that

· Essential Oils

My doctor is happy for me

It has been 5 years and I have not visited my family doctor and he was beginning to suspect that I have changed doctor. The fact is ... I have changed and managed my wellness. I have began to understand how my body works. Sure I do catch the common flu bug now and then but TODAY I am stronger and on the road to wellness. My doctor is happy for me when I shared with him my journey. I still visit him but now just for annual checkups.

In April 2014, a friend of mine passed me a bottle of Young Living Essential Oils as a gift. I was having respiratory problem and was coughing badly. I went to see my family doctor and was given a dosage of antibiotics and a host of medication. That day, I decided to give the oil a try and applied it on my chest and inhale the scent. I did this every two hourly. To my surprise ... the oil begins to take effect. My breathing has improved and my nasal passage was opened. My nose was not clogged and I could breathe comfortably. Then I added a drop of oil to my tea ( warning : not all oils can be taken orally and I ONLY trust Young Living Brand) and sipped it throughout the day. As I sipped my throat felt better. By the end of the evening, I was feeling a whole lot better and did not see a need to start on my course of antibiotics.

It was then that got me searching and reading up more on essential oils. I thought if this one bottle could help me what about the many other different types of essential oils that I have yet to try. Thus began my journey towards wellness.

I took up a course on aromatherapy and got myself certified. As I read on I began to learn about the quality of oils and the different standards that are available out in the market. I have learnt that NOT ALL OILS are made equal.

In June 2015, I took up a course taught by Dr David Steward from the Centre for Aromatherapy, Research and Education (CARE) and it opened my eyes to appreciate the potency of essential oils. In that course, I walked away with a deep appreciation for the many chemistry compounds that are embedded an essential oil. Each single oil or their blends are like building blocks that can help boost our immunity system or aid us in our emotions.

This lead me to think about using the oils as part of my therapy for children with special needs. So my search lead me further investigate how the oils can be an aid to calm an angry child or promote deep sleep to those who are very active. Caregivers who saw and experience the difference obviously became part of my community of support.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of essential oils ... please contact me and I will be most delighted to share with you my journey.